Project Overview

In Web Scripting 1, our class was tasked with a login page project, which aimed to apply the JavaScript concepts we learned throughout the course to develop a reliable data verification system. The project allowed us to showcase our creativity by giving us the freedom to design the system according to our preference.

See the full project

Tools Used

When designing the terminal's appearance, I drew inspiration from multiple sources. I chose to mimic the style of the old FBI copyright warnings found on DVDs, with a serious logo and a blue tone that effectively captured the 'FBI look.' Additionally, I took cues from the 'FBI Files' interactive website developed by Overkill, which emulated a chief FBI agent's laptop and served as a virtual handbook for their game 'Payday 2.'

By displaying all of the game's missions, characters, and enemies within a hacked FBI database, their design provided an excellent reference for my project.

An FBI piracy warning